Accounting made easy
With Odoo as an accounting system, you get a system that gives you more freedom for other tasks. The system requires fewer resources and you can automate the process from bank to settlement of postings. In short, you get a system that gives you more of an overview of your company's accounts. If you need help and/or advice for your company's accounting or similar, you can her læse om, what we offer in accounting services.
Odoo has a user-friendly design where you can easily find the most important menus and tools that you need when working with the company's accounts.
Popular features
Odoo is designed to make your working day easier - therefore, together with a user-friendly design, you get indispensable tools for efficiency and growth
Bank synchronization
Få dine kontoudtog eller importerede filer automatisk synkroniserede med din bank.
Oprettelse af overskuelige faktura, hvor du tilmed kan tracke betalingerne.
Håndtering af regninger og udgifter
Kontrollér leverandørfaktura, så du nemt kan overskue, hvilke fremtidige regninger, der mangler at blive betalt.
Easy voting
Spar tid ved at automatisere 95% af afstemningen, gennem Odoos afstemningsværktøj.
Automation of reminders
Med regnskabsmodulet fra Odoo får du adgang til elektronisk fakturering og automatisk opfølgning. Her kan du oprette og sende faktura, samt modtage betalinger. Det hele foregår online, og automatiseringen af funktionerne er tidsbesparende, eftersom du ikke længere behøver at sende påmindelser til dine debitorer.
Du har mulighed for at opsætte systemet, sådan at det passer til din virksomheds behov. Det kræver kun nogle enkelte steps for at din automatiske betaling er opsat. Du kan også nemt oprette automatiske faktura fra salgsordre, leveringsordre, eller basere dem på tids- og materiale forbrug.
Easy to understand reports
I regnskabs modulet kan du nemt oprette overskuelige og dynamiske indtjeningsrapporter, balanceposter eller rapporter, der giver overblik over dit cash flow.
Der er tilmed værktøjer, der tillader hurtig filtrering, zoom og sammenligning af data.
Collect your work in one system
Odoo is much more than just an accounting system. You can collect all your work in Odoo, so that you only have to enter data once, instead of entering it in many different places, which is both time-consuming and unmanageable. Odoo's accounting module has been developed to talk to Odoo's other modules, so that you get an efficient workflow.
Read about some of the modules that are often used in conjunction with the Odoo accounting module:
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