Production management

Få en brugervenlig løsning til produktionsstyring med Odoo.
Vi har specialiseret os i lagerstyring og produktionsstyring, og vi kender til de forskellige processer og udfordringer en produktionsvirksomhed ofte har.

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VK DATA is ready to help

Our consultants specialize in inventory management and production management, and we know the various processes and challenges a manufacturing company often faces.

Production is dependent on others

In order for production to be efficient, there are many other parts of the company that must be in order:

All these conditions can be met in the same ERP system, where all the modules talk to each other in real time and keep an overview of the processes.

Kon​​​​takt os

Produktions styring i Odoo, CRM


With the quality assurance module, important data can be collected on production, which is stored in Odoo together with all other data, so that it is always available.

Data can not only be collected on the production itself, but also on e.g. the receipt of goods, so that defective goods are avoided in production.

The production department can trigger quality alerts and maintenance requests directly from their control panel.

Forebyg fejl

Prevent inconvenient delays and downtime as a result.

Odoo produces statistics that help plan preventive maintenance for appliances, such as mean time between failure (MTBF), mean time to repair (MTTR), and expected date of next failure. 

Få overblik

In the production module, you get a comprehensive overview of master data with access to products, bill of materials, routes and work centers

The basic information is set on the work center and router, which continuously gives the opportunity to follow the efficiency of e.g. The OEE measurements.

With the planning part, an overview is constantly created of what is planned and what materials await.

Is your production advanced?

If your production e.g. working with different versions of the same product, where the composition of the product changes, we can also support this with Product Lifetime Management (PLM), where we support Engineering Change Orders (ECO) integrations for different CAD systems such as SolidWorks and AutoCAD.

Product Lifetime Management

Forget about syncing with EBoM and MBoM. Odoo aligns each department on the same documents, so you can track changes efficiently across multiple versions. 

With Odoo PLM, you can work in parallel on several versions of the same BoM and choose which changes you want to apply.

Optimize communication

Effective handling of technical changes is all about communication. Better communication reduces downtime and makes your manufacturing business more efficient. Odoo PLM brings together the entire company's communication network to help you communicate more effectively across multiple departments:

  • Employees can follow the groups they have access to.
  • Approvals are simple and controlled by an administrator or other selected employee.
  • Discussions about the documents are centralized and in real time. 

Intern kommunikation HR i Odoo