Event Management Software

Udbyd arrangementer og events til dine kunder

Arrangementer og events kan vises direkte på din hjemmeside og tillader nem online tilmelding

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Udbyd og afhold nemt arrangementer,
der er tilpasset din målgruppe

Med dette værktøj til events og arrangementer, får du et styringsværktøj, der samler alle aspekter af planlægning af både store og små events. Det vil sige at du med ét enkelt værktøj både kan planlægge, holde styr på billetsalg og tilmelding, samt markedsføring af dine events.

Visuelt billede af Odoo arrangementer
Events and online ticket sales, make it easy for yourself


Online ticket sales

This module provides access to an automated registration of ticket sales and/or registrations, as well as automation of payment processes.

You can of course choose whether you want to hold a free or paid event. However, both parts often require registration or registration, which you get easy access to with Odoo Event Management.

If you want to take payment for the tickets, you can choose that your customers can either pay online or through invoicing. You can even define special conditions yourself such as Early-bird prices, member discounts, benefits or other types of tickets.

In short, this Event Management tool gives you everything you need for planning and managing events, so you can focus on marketing and thus increased attendance.