E-mail Marketing

Opbyg nemt e-mail kampagner med e-mailmarketing 

Appens drag & drop funktioner og integrerede adgang 

til kontakter i din adressebog.

E-mail marketing i Odoo, som er drag & drop

Build your campaigns in minutes

Synes du også, at det kan være en stor opgave at lave e-mail kampagner? Måske står du og mangler inspiration og idéer til designet af dine nyhedsbreve?

Med Odoos e-mail marketing App er det blevet lettere end nogensinde at oprette en e-mail kampagne. Du kan selv vælge, om du vil designe dine e-mails fra bunden, eller om du vil bruge de mange skabeloner og temaer, der er tilgængelige. Der er mange muligheder!

Odoo er en intuitiv software, der gør det muligt for alle, selv dem med begrænset IT- og designkendskab, at deltage. Skabelonerne og temaerne giver dig mulighed for at tilpasse indholdet, så det passer til din virksomheds brand.

Det er nemt at tilføje elementer som billeder, tekst og links. Du kan også tilføje sporingskoder til de links, du inkluderer i dine e-mails. Med sporingskoder kan du effektivt følge med i, hvilke klik, leads og indtægter der genereres fra dine e-mail kampagner.

Follow the performance of the campaign

Your pipeline in Odoo CRM allows you to easily follow the leads that are generated from your campaigns. You can also easily get an overview of wich campaigns are, and have been, creating the most value, through the number of established customers and income.  

You also get the opportunity to see accurate and real-time statistics of the newsletters that are already sent. Keep track of opening rates, rejaction rates, click-through rates and response rates. Based on this data, it is possible to adapt future campaigns so that your overall marketing strategy is improved.

E-mail marketing performance i Odoo


Segment your customers

 It is important that your newsletters are received by the right target groups. Through a thorough segmentation of your customers, target groups and other groups, you ensure that your e-mail campaigns reach the right people, with which you will also experience better results from your campaigns. 

The E-mail Marketing App allows easy segmentation of target groups, since you can sort them as leads, customers or other types of groups in your contact list. You can even sort specifically by country, date, feature, etc. to ensure that you only send your content to the intended audience.  

Read more about CRM​

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