Developed for wholesale and retail

Du får et system, der virker på alle enheder
Du får website og webshop med tilpasset design  
Du får alt du skal bruge i ét system


ODOO 4 FASHION gives you all the benefits

  • Website & webshop with customized design
  • Total integration with sizes and colors of products
  • Purchasing and stock management
  • Get it all cloud-based or installed in your own infrastructure
  • Works on PC, tablet, Smartphone

Quick start, easy to use, flexible and easy to adapt to any business.

With ODOO 4 FASHION you get into the lead position

Total integration of warehouse and store in one solution. 

No duplicate data entries between the inventory system, sales, cash registers and webshop.

Du får apps til indkøb,   inventory & logistics,   CRM,   sales,   kasseløsning,   marketing,   hjemmeside,  

regnskab,  personale og meget mere.

Download a brochure that tells more about Odoo 4 Fashion.

We would very much like to tell you more about the many possibilities Odoo 4 Fashion provides.

Call us and make an appointment for a demo of Odoo on telephone: 7373 8888


Hen​​t bro​​​​​​chure