Vi er hos VK DATA ApS SMV:Digital certificeret.

Dette certifikat giver os mulighed for at yde professionel rådgivning til dig og din virksomhed i forbindelse med digital omstilling samt at forbedre jeres online salgsstrategier.

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SMV Digital certificeret

About SMV:Digital
SMV:Digital helps companies with digital projects

SME:Digitalis a comprehensive program where you can get help with the digital transformation of your company and to strengthen your online sales via the program's
E-Commerce Center. The program contains a number of relevant offers in the form of grants for the purchase of private consultancy, innovative sprint courses, competence courses, sparring and networking as well as guidance on regulation and competition conditions.

The program was established with the government's Strategy for Denmark's Digital Growth and aims to promote digitization and e-commerce among small and medium-sized companies from all industries in Denmark. The program runs in the period 2018-2021.​

Read about grants of DKK 25.000 for private advice

Read about grants of DKK 100.000 for private advice. 

SMV:Digital indeholder: 

Subsidy for private advice

You can apply for grants for the purchase of private impartial advice to help with digital transformation or to strengthen your online sales.
The advice can consist of uncovering the potential for investment in new technology and help to ensure an effective implementation of new digital technology.

Guidance on online sales and regulation in the EU

Get an overview of the most important rules for e-commerce to other EU countries, including:  consumer regulations, marketing rules, consumer rules, marketing rules, cookie rules and requirements for the product itself.


As a participant in Sprint:Digital, with the help of leading sprint consultants, you will be set on a course towards an effective digital transformation. In a sprint that extends over five consecutive days, you can test whether your company is on the right track with the digital steps you have already taken or identify the optimal digitization solution for you.

Help to deal with unfair competition

Do you experience unfair competition in the global marketplaces? As part of the programme, the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority strengthens the enforcement of potential competition cases where Danish SMEs experience being pressured in the competition by large digital companies.

Competence development for managers

Digital Management Culture is a competency-developing course that clarifies your and your company's needs, identifies the competition, shows you the value of digitization and pushes you to get started and instructs and develops your skills, so that you are more than ready to drive after completing the course.

Start e trade export with Trade Council

Global online marketplaces have given Danish companies access to a large number of new markets with great potential. With the Trade Council's E-EXPORT program you can get help with international e-commerce and get an overview of opportunities and pitfalls.

Subsidy of DKK 25.000 for private advice for digital transformation for your company

Har du ambitioner om at styrke din virksomheds vækst og konkurrenceevne gennem digital omstilling eller styrket e-handel?

In SME:Digital, you can apply for a grant of DKK 25.000 for a private adviser who can help you realize your digital ambitions.

The grant of DKK 25.000 is especially for you who experience challenges in connection with taking the next digital step. This may for example be due to a lack of inspiration or basic knowledge in relation to getting started or continuing with a digital transformation within a specific area or using a new technology.

Du forventes ikke at have et færdigt formuleret digitalt projekt, men har måske identificeret et område, hvor du har brug for hjælp til at afdække muligheder, udfordringer og behov for rådgivning for at indfri et digitaliseringspotentiale.

Eksempler på områder inden for digital omstilling/automatisering, der kan søges rådgivning til:

  • Forretningssystemer – ERP/MRP
  • Ledelse IT - MES/MIS
  • Produktionsoptimering - analyse og effektivisering af forsyningskæden
  • Systematisk kundebearbejdning - CRM

Workshop and grant vouchers of DKK 25.000 for advice in digital transformation

If you receive a subsidy of DKK 25.000, this is combined with participation in a workshop on digital transformation. The workshop will inspire and help you to become completely clear on where your company needs advice and who is the right adviser.

Indhold på en workshop

  • Masterclass-oplæg med introduktion til centrale begreber inden for temaet
  • Inspiration via virksomhedscases
  • Sparring med ligesindede virksomheder
  • Hjælp til afklaring og prioritering af konkrete indsatsområder, hvor en rådgiver kan hjælpe  
  • Hjælp til at finde relevant rådgiver.

Subsidy of DKK 100.000 for private advice for digital transformation in your company

Do you have ambitions to strengthen your company's growth and competitiveness through digital transformation? Here you can apply for a subsidy of DKK 100.000 for the purchase of private advice that will help you to implement a digital transformation of your company.

The grant of DKK 100.000 is for you who have an idea that digitization can help you face a challenge or seize an opportunity and improve your business, but who need a private advisor to get started or implement your digital project.

Your project can have a clarifying nature, where you want to identify, for example, which solutions are relevant to solving your specific challenge or identified potential and what the business case is for investing.

You can also get advice on the implementation and technical integration of new technology, so you are sure that you are purchasing exactly what you need and reaping the best possible benefits from your digital investment.

Eksempler på områder inden for digital omstilling/automatisering, der kan søges rådgivning til:

  • Forretningssystemer - ERP / MRP
  • Ledelse IT - MES/MIS
  • Produktionsoptimering - analyse og effektivisering af forsyningskæden
  • Internet of Things og cloud teknologi
  • Big Data / Business Intelligence - dataanvendelse
  • Systematisk kundebearbejdning - CRM
  • Robotteknologi inkl. software robotter - RPA
  • Kvalitet, måleudstyr og sensorik
  • Avanceret materialeteknologi inkl. 3Dprint
  • Digital sikkerhed

Siden efteråret 2019 har det været muligt at søge tilskud til rådgivning specifikt for at styrke virksomhedens digitale sikkerhed. Uanset størrelsen og typen af din virksomhed er det en god idé, at du indtænker it-sikkerhed i de daglige processer. Så længe din virksomhed gør brug af netbank, fakturerer, har et kundekartotek, sælger varer på nettet eller gemmer et dokument på computeren, vil sikkerhed være relevant.

Få overblik over de vigtigste regler for e-handel til andre EU-lande

VK DATA kan hjælpe dig med at skabe et overblik over, hvilke regler for e-handel til andre EU-lande man som virksomhed skal være særlig opmærksom på. Når det gælder e-handel, er det vigtigt både at kende til EU-regler og nationale regler i de enkelte lande. Det kan blandt andet være forbrugerregler, markedsføringsregler, cookieregler samt krav til selve produktet. Vi kan blandt andet hjælpe med at tage kontakt til relevante myndigheder i andre EU-lande for at få afklaret, hvilke nationale regler du skal leve op til i det pågældende land.

Tilbuddet er målrettet e-handelsvirksomheder, som ønsker at komme ud over grænserne i EU og sælge til forbrugere i andre EU-lande.

Du er altid velkommen til at kontakte med dine spørgsmål, eller udfylde nedenstående formular for at høre mere om SMV:Digital. 

SME:Digital helps companies with digital projects

SMV:Digital er et samlet program, hvor du kan få hjælp til digital omstilling af din virksomhed og til at styrke dit online salg via programmets E-Handelscenter. Programmet indeholder en række relevante tilbud i form af tilskud til indkøb af privat rådgivning, innovative sprint-forløb, kompetenceforløb, sparring og netværk samt vejledning om regulering og konkurrencevilkår.

Programmet er etableret med regeringens Strategi for Danmarks Digitale Vækst og har til formål at fremme digitalisering og e-handel blandt små og mellemstore virksomheder fra alle erhverv i Danmark. Programmet løber i perioden 2018-2021.

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